Pack of Textbook and Response Journal. With an up-to-date approach, Citizen was written with the Wellbeing guidelines and CSPE Short Course specification in mind, so Citizen is right up to date with course requirements and recent developments in human rights, citizenship and democracy. It has been published to coincide with the final written exam in CSPE and a new era for the subject in schools.FREE ebook included.
Relevant learning outcomes highlighted in every chapter
Every lesson follows a very clear structure: Think, Discover, Investigate, Consider, Create, Reflect.
Investigate section provides articles, infographics, imagery, reports and posters to offer real-world context and bring the subject to life.
Lessons open with a provocative Think task so students can immediately engage with the topic at hand.
Questions and tasks integrated throughout every chapter offer a wide range of active learning ideas and activities.
Regularly signposted Response Journal links offer students a chance to complete meaningful tasks and put their learning into practice.
Junior Cert
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