Junior Cycle Success – English Higher Level gives a student everything they need to achieve top marks in the written exam, both CBAs and the Assessment Task. All strands are covered in detail – Oral language, Reading and Writing.
Written by experienced examiners, the book points out common mistakes that students can avoid in order to maximise their performance.
Junior Cycle Success adopts a topic-based approach to English, with all topics presented in student-friendly language with appealing graphics and texts. There is a particular focus on key exam topics such as Poetry, Drama, and Novels while also giving detailed guidance on all forms of creative writing: Descriptive, Persuasive, Informative, etc. Specific grammar questions have made a new appearance on the Junior Cycle English paper and this aspect of the course is also covered in detail.
In order to give students confidence prior to the exam, sample questions and answers are provided in SEC format.
Additional online resources are accessible through the use of QR codes throughout the textbook.
David O'Halloran Laura O'Brien
Junior Cert
4 Schools
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