Just Phonics 1st Class With Free My Spelling Booklet For Practise.
The 1st to 3rd Class books in the Just Phonics series revise the 42 sounds and introduce and consolidate the remainder of the phonics programme. The 1st Class textbook includes revision of Senior Infant Programme Plus:
Magic e, common word families (_ame, _ake, _ale, _ate, _
ide, _ine, _ice, Two syllable words. Alternate Vowel Sounds:
ea (pea) and ea (head); ew (blew) and ew (stew); y (teddy)
and (cry); ow (slow) and (owl); igh, ight, alk, au, oy, ey, er, ir,
ur, air, are, ear, Soft c and Soft g, tch, ph and gh.
First Class
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